Performance Simulations/Analyses Engine
OMRT is a Deep Tech design platform for real estate development. Its product is a cutting-edge collection of architectural design, physics, finance, and material modules connected within one digital brain. This system generates and analyzes building designs parametrically, streamlining complex processes in real estate development.
Key Roles and Responsibilities
- Frontend Development: Architected and implemented the frontend of a new product from scratch - a performance simulations/analyses engine - enabling simulations for wind, energy, noise, and daylight.
- UI Design and Programming: Led the development of user interfaces using JavaScript, Vue.js, and Three.js for interactive 3D programming, ensuring seamless performance and scalability.
- State Management: Utilized Vuex for organized and efficient application state handling, facilitating seamless data flow across components.
- Design System: Designed and managed system components using Figma and Vuetify, promoting collaboration and scalable design implementation.
- Optimization and Testing: Enhanced application features for user experience through techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and caching. Tested extensively to identify and resolve usability issues.
- Responsive Design: Adapted designs for mobile applications, ensuring consistent and responsive user experiences across devices.
- Workflow Management: Streamlined collaboration through Git, GitHub, GitLab, and project management tools, ensuring efficient software workflow and version control.
Tech Stack Used