Frontend Developer specializing in JavaScript ecosystems like React.js, Vue.js, and Node.js. My passion lies in 3D web development, especially using Three.js and React Three Fiber. Over the years, I've worked on many different projects and learned a lot. I like to share what I know:
• I create detailed youtube videos on 3D web development, catering to beginners and intermediate developers.
• My educational content has been featured on major platforms like freeCodeCamp (10M subscribers) and JavaScript Mastery (1M subscribers).
• I actively contribute to open-source projects, particularly those focused on web-based 3D graphics and interactive experiences.
In this website I will be writing some blogs and showcase my projects. I believe that writing what I have learned is the best way to remember things, and I can share my knowledge along the way. So do contact me and I will be very happy to help!